A. Preliminary
1. As a follow up of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Religious Affairs, several institutions and universities in Egypt, Sudan, Morocco, and Algeria provide scholarships to the sons and daughters of Indonesia in formation as follows:
a. Al Azhar Al Sharif Egyptian offer of 90 (ninety) S1 and 20 scholarships
(Twenty) S2 scholarships for the academic year 2008-2009
b. Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education offers 5 (five) scholarships for S1
2008-2009 academic year for high school diploma holders.
c.Pemerintah Sudan offers 30 (thirty) S1 scholarship at the University of
International Africa, Khartoum for the academic year 2007-2008.
d. Government of the Kingdom of Morocco offers scholarships S1, S2, S3 as many as 15 (fifteen) for the academic year 2007-2008.
e. The Algerian government through the Embassy in Alger offers 50 scholarships for the academic year 2007-2008 S1
2. In order to get the best candidate for filling vacancies, the Ministry of Religious Affairs will hold a nationwide selection process for scholarship applicants to Al-Azhar, the Ministry of Higher Education of Egypt, Morocco and Algeria. For scholarship applicants to Sudan, the selection will be held immediately
by the Sudanese Embassy in Jakarta in collaboration with the Ministry of Religious Affairs at the time to be determined later.
3. To anticipate the increasing interest of Indonesian students in Egypt who are not accompanied by adequate quality, the Ministry of Religious Affairs will make selection of candidates by examining STUDENTS IN NON-SCHOLARSHIP
academic ability, recitation / reading Koran and Arabic, with the same test material tandar with candidate selection scholarship program.
B. Goal
1.Menyaring graduates Madrasah Aliyah / equal potential and
have the talent and a strong interest in scientific development and mastery of the Arabic language.
2.Mempersiapkan candidate best scientists in the field of Islamic sciences and Arabic language in the context of the intellectual life of the nation and state.
C. Following the Selection Requirements
1. RI Citizens who are Muslim.
2. Fill out the registration form provided by the Committee
3. 3x4 size color photographs as much as 2 sheets
4. Attach a copy of the diploma with the following conditions:
a. For the Al-Azhar University of Egypt qualified:
1). S1
Madrasah Aliyah Certified Interior or the State private exam
with the following conditions: a). Age diploma not more than 2 (two)
years. b). Certified that Pesantren mu'adalah (accreditation) diplomas with tsanawiyah (High School) Al-Azhar is still valid today.
2). S2
Certified State Islamic University, or Private with age certificate not more than 5 (five) years.
b. For scholarship Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education uses high school diploma Affairs.
c. To go to Sudan, Morocco and the Algerian state certified or Madrasah Aliyah
private, boarding school, high school, diploma S1 and S2 with age certificate not more than 2 (two) years.
5. For those who do not have a diploma (STTB), while simply using a photo copy of the report card cawu I and II or class last semester and legalized by the school concerned.
D. Credit
1. Oral Exam (using Arabic) include: Arabic (conversational,
translations and text comprehension) and rote / reading the Qur'an.
2. Exam Writing (use Arabic) include: Arabic (understanding the text, grammar and insha ') and Islamic Religious Knowledge.
E. Registration and Execution Time
1. Registration: May 1, s.d. May 30, 2007 every hour of work.
2. The selection is set as follows:
2.1 Test Writing June 14, 2007
2.2 14-15 June 2007 Oral Exam
F. Place of Registration and Selection
1. Domestic
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, IAIN Serang, STAIN Pontianak, STAIN IAIN Raden Intan Metro and IAIN Sunan Gunung Jati Lampung Bandung and Cirebon STAIN
Walisongo IAIN Semarang, Holy STAIN, STAIN Purwokerto, Yogyakarta, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, STAIN STAIN Salatiga and Solo. UIN Malang, IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, IAIN Mataram Kediri STAIN, STAIN Tulung Agung, STAIN
Roxburgh, Pamekasan and STAIN STAIN Jember. IAIN Ar Raniry Aceh NAD, STAIN STAIN Cok Lhoukseumawe and Kala Langsa. North Sumatra Medan IAIN and STAIN Sidempuan IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang Padang, Bukittinggi STAIN,
STAIN STAIN Batusangkar and Kerinci. IAIN Raden Fatah Palembang, IAIN
Sulthan Thoha Jambi, Bangka Belitung and STAIN STAIN Bengkulu. UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Pekanbaru. Ala'uddin IAIN Makassar, Pare-Pare STAIN, STAIN Watampone, Palopo STAIN, STAIN STAIN Kendari and Jayapura. STAIN Hammer IAIN Gorontalo, Manado STAIN, STAIN STAIN Ambon and Ternate IAIN and STAIN Antasari Banjarmasin Palangkaraya Samarinda STAIN
2. Foreign Affairs
Embassy in Cairo, Beirut Embassy Embassy in Riyadh,
Embassy in Amman,
Embassy in Damascus, Sanaa Embassy Embassy in Khartoum
Embassy in Rabat, Embassy in Algier, Tunis Embassy
G. Selection Exam Results
1.Hasil selection will be announced by the Ministry of Religious Affairs on July 9, 2007 at the venue selection / registration or through the website: www.ditpertais.net
2.Peserta who graduated as a scholarship recipients S1 Al-Azhar will follow the continued selection (muqabalah) in time to be determined later.
3. Participants selected a non scholarship to Al-Azhar who passed to process the registration file through the Embassy in Cairo.
H. Executive Team Selection
1. Center implementation team was formed and appointed by the Director General of Islamic Education
2. Local implementation team was formed and appointed by the Rector of UIN / IAIN / STAIN Chairman
3. Team both written and oral examiner appointed by the Director General of Islamic Education.
I. Everything Else
1. More information is expected to contact the Directorate of Education
High Islam through the contact phone number / fax number (021) 3519734
2. The things that have not been regulated in these guidelines will be determined later
Jakarta, April 2007
Director of Islamic Higher Education
Prof. Abdurrahman Mas'ud, Ph.D.
NIP. 150240107
Tags: information
1. As a follow up of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Religious Affairs, several institutions and universities in Egypt, Sudan, Morocco, and Algeria provide scholarships to the sons and daughters of Indonesia in formation as follows:
a. Al Azhar Al Sharif Egyptian offer of 90 (ninety) S1 and 20 scholarships
(Twenty) S2 scholarships for the academic year 2008-2009
b. Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education offers 5 (five) scholarships for S1
2008-2009 academic year for high school diploma holders.
c.Pemerintah Sudan offers 30 (thirty) S1 scholarship at the University of
International Africa, Khartoum for the academic year 2007-2008.
d. Government of the Kingdom of Morocco offers scholarships S1, S2, S3 as many as 15 (fifteen) for the academic year 2007-2008.
e. The Algerian government through the Embassy in Alger offers 50 scholarships for the academic year 2007-2008 S1
2. In order to get the best candidate for filling vacancies, the Ministry of Religious Affairs will hold a nationwide selection process for scholarship applicants to Al-Azhar, the Ministry of Higher Education of Egypt, Morocco and Algeria. For scholarship applicants to Sudan, the selection will be held immediately
by the Sudanese Embassy in Jakarta in collaboration with the Ministry of Religious Affairs at the time to be determined later.
3. To anticipate the increasing interest of Indonesian students in Egypt who are not accompanied by adequate quality, the Ministry of Religious Affairs will make selection of candidates by examining STUDENTS IN NON-SCHOLARSHIP
academic ability, recitation / reading Koran and Arabic, with the same test material tandar with candidate selection scholarship program.
B. Goal
1.Menyaring graduates Madrasah Aliyah / equal potential and
have the talent and a strong interest in scientific development and mastery of the Arabic language.
2.Mempersiapkan candidate best scientists in the field of Islamic sciences and Arabic language in the context of the intellectual life of the nation and state.
C. Following the Selection Requirements
1. RI Citizens who are Muslim.
2. Fill out the registration form provided by the Committee
3. 3x4 size color photographs as much as 2 sheets
4. Attach a copy of the diploma with the following conditions:
a. For the Al-Azhar University of Egypt qualified:
1). S1
Madrasah Aliyah Certified Interior or the State private exam
with the following conditions: a). Age diploma not more than 2 (two)
years. b). Certified that Pesantren mu'adalah (accreditation) diplomas with tsanawiyah (High School) Al-Azhar is still valid today.
2). S2
Certified State Islamic University, or Private with age certificate not more than 5 (five) years.
b. For scholarship Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education uses high school diploma Affairs.
c. To go to Sudan, Morocco and the Algerian state certified or Madrasah Aliyah
private, boarding school, high school, diploma S1 and S2 with age certificate not more than 2 (two) years.
5. For those who do not have a diploma (STTB), while simply using a photo copy of the report card cawu I and II or class last semester and legalized by the school concerned.
D. Credit
1. Oral Exam (using Arabic) include: Arabic (conversational,
translations and text comprehension) and rote / reading the Qur'an.
2. Exam Writing (use Arabic) include: Arabic (understanding the text, grammar and insha ') and Islamic Religious Knowledge.
E. Registration and Execution Time
1. Registration: May 1, s.d. May 30, 2007 every hour of work.
2. The selection is set as follows:
2.1 Test Writing June 14, 2007
2.2 14-15 June 2007 Oral Exam
F. Place of Registration and Selection
1. Domestic
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, IAIN Serang, STAIN Pontianak, STAIN IAIN Raden Intan Metro and IAIN Sunan Gunung Jati Lampung Bandung and Cirebon STAIN
Walisongo IAIN Semarang, Holy STAIN, STAIN Purwokerto, Yogyakarta, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, STAIN STAIN Salatiga and Solo. UIN Malang, IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, IAIN Mataram Kediri STAIN, STAIN Tulung Agung, STAIN
Roxburgh, Pamekasan and STAIN STAIN Jember. IAIN Ar Raniry Aceh NAD, STAIN STAIN Cok Lhoukseumawe and Kala Langsa. North Sumatra Medan IAIN and STAIN Sidempuan IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang Padang, Bukittinggi STAIN,
STAIN STAIN Batusangkar and Kerinci. IAIN Raden Fatah Palembang, IAIN
Sulthan Thoha Jambi, Bangka Belitung and STAIN STAIN Bengkulu. UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Pekanbaru. Ala'uddin IAIN Makassar, Pare-Pare STAIN, STAIN Watampone, Palopo STAIN, STAIN STAIN Kendari and Jayapura. STAIN Hammer IAIN Gorontalo, Manado STAIN, STAIN STAIN Ambon and Ternate IAIN and STAIN Antasari Banjarmasin Palangkaraya Samarinda STAIN
2. Foreign Affairs
Embassy in Cairo, Beirut Embassy Embassy in Riyadh,
Embassy in Amman,
Embassy in Damascus, Sanaa Embassy Embassy in Khartoum
Embassy in Rabat, Embassy in Algier, Tunis Embassy
G. Selection Exam Results
1.Hasil selection will be announced by the Ministry of Religious Affairs on July 9, 2007 at the venue selection / registration or through the website: www.ditpertais.net
2.Peserta who graduated as a scholarship recipients S1 Al-Azhar will follow the continued selection (muqabalah) in time to be determined later.
3. Participants selected a non scholarship to Al-Azhar who passed to process the registration file through the Embassy in Cairo.
H. Executive Team Selection
1. Center implementation team was formed and appointed by the Director General of Islamic Education
2. Local implementation team was formed and appointed by the Rector of UIN / IAIN / STAIN Chairman
3. Team both written and oral examiner appointed by the Director General of Islamic Education.
I. Everything Else
1. More information is expected to contact the Directorate of Education
High Islam through the contact phone number / fax number (021) 3519734
2. The things that have not been regulated in these guidelines will be determined later
Jakarta, April 2007
Director of Islamic Higher Education
Prof. Abdurrahman Mas'ud, Ph.D.
NIP. 150240107
Tags: information