Tuesday, May 11, 2010

(Australian Development Scholarships)

The Australian Government through the ADS (Australian Development Scholarships) annually provides scholarships to students from developing countries including Indonesia to pursue postgraduate studies in universities and leading universities in Australia. For the 2007-2008 school year as many as 300 scholarships offered to students from Indonesia include scholarships scholarships S2 and S3 field of Basic Social Services, Economic Management, Practice, Democratic Institutions and Security and Stability. ADS scholarship includes: tuition fee, return ticket Australia, field work, housing, cost of living, health, tutoring, English language training.

study in Japan

for those of you who are interested in their study in Japan, this year the Japanese government has reopened the opportunity to study Japanese Monbukagakusho scholarship program in 2008. These programs include scholarships, S1, D3 scholarships, and scholarships for high school graduates and S2 are equal. S1 scholarship program covers all the majors except music and sports, while the D3 scholarship program is only for graduates of senior high school students interested in science in engineering (Engineering). Registration Monbukagakusho

Monday, May 10, 2010


Compagnia San Paolo - Politecnico di Torino Politecnico Project, thanks to the support of the Compagnia San Paolo, offers international students the possibility to receive scholarships and other allowances to attend an academic program or Architectural Engineering. Academic offering Master of Science (2 years) II level specializing Master (1 year) More details ...


Master of KONSERVASI dari Monumen dan Situs KULeuven Belgia 2010 2011 MCMS (Master of Konservasi Monumen dan Situs) adalah empat semester, gelar akademik berbasis penelitian, tersebar di dua tahun. Tahun pertama menawarkan pengenalan umum untuk bidang konservasi dan restorasi monumen dan situs. Hal ini terutama ditujukan untuk program teoritis, seminar dan pekerjaan proyek. Tahun kedua terutama terdiri dari tesis mastER..............


Tokyo (Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 1 or equivalent). Applicants must be able to pass at least Level 3 Japanese Language Proficiency Test (hereinafter referred to as "JLPT") in a test given later than the date of 2010 (the candidate who wants to 6 in. as master students). Or December 2011 (candidates who wish to enter as a Student Research). However, applicants who wish to enroll in the "Information, Technology, and Society in Asia ...


A limited number of scholarships available for students to see the study at the University of Tartu for a degree or a semester / year program. INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMME FOR MASTER'S: Measurement Applied Applied Science Master: European Union and applicant non-European Union Master of Applied Science Measurement students: monthly allowance additional Semiotics Master: European Union and applicant non-EU Masters in Software Engineering: The European Union and non-Union Europe appl ...

state scholarship

Layak Negara Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Bolivia, Bosnia dan Herzegovina, Kamboja, Cape Verde, Replublic Afrika Tengah, Chad, Komoro, Kongo, Kamerun, Pantai Gading , Cina, Colombia, Djibouti, Republik Dominika, Ekuador, Mesir, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Hondura ...

International Student Scholarship ..

Yusuf Al-Qaradawi Scholarships Scholarships awarded by the esteemed supporters Qatar QFIS students may be eligible for the scholarships granted by the Higher Education Authority. Rules for QFIS Scholarships for academic year 2010-2011 International Students Apply for Scholarship ...

S1 S2 S3 Scholarship Info Taiwan Government 2010 2011

S1 S2 S3 Scholarship Info Taiwan Government 2010 2011 I. Objectives Taiwan Scholarship Program was established jointly by three government agencies of the Republic of China (Taiwan) - Department of Education (MOE), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) and the Executive Yuan's National Science Council (NSC) - to encourage outstanding international students to conduct degree programs in Taiwan . While providing opportunities to study wid ..

Info high school scholarship

Info high school scholarship (sma, ma / madrasah aliyah) s1 s2 s3 QUESTION: Hi, passenger info asked dong. Today I again took my BA in Canada, already the road three semesters, but was forced to stop because the fund was forced to quit college. Meanwhile, my brother's story when he lectures in Germany do not have to use tuition fees. Yes I have studied automatic, it was indeed true that college tuition fee.Setelah he was not wearing a long time researching, I found the answer ...


Senior Scholarship Info (sma, ma / madrasah aliyah) s1 s2 s3 SCHOLARSHIP ANNOUNCEMENT AND REGISTRATION FORM FILLED UNISMA BEKASI (Tel: 021-8808853) UNISMA BEKASI invite all sons / daughters of Indonesia to follow FULL SCHOLARSHIP UNIVERSITY OF ISLAM "45" (UNISMA) BEKASI (100% free tuition), Academic Year 2010/2011 for the level of D3 and S1 with the following provisions: 1. 12th Grade Students SMA / SMK / MA which will follow the National Examination (UN) in 2010. 2. Never t ...
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Application Process Application forms are available at University Information Section Paramadina no charge or can be downloaded at our website: http://www.paramadina.ac.id/downloads/Fellowship/Formulir_PF_2010.pdf. Registration form is already filled submitted before the deadline along with: One page article titled 'I'm in the Year 2025' and a one-page article entitled '

[Yunani] Annual Scholarship for Non-Greek Students

The Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation operates an annual Programme of Research Grants and Educational Scholarships addressed to foreign (non-Greek) Members of Academies of Sciences, Scholars, Researchers, Elementary and Secondary School Teachers of the Greek language, Artists and Postgraduate Students.

We enclose herewith the text of the Announcement the fifteenth (15th) Foreigners’ Fellowships Programme , for the academic year 2009- 2010. We look forward to your cooperation in bringing the foregoing to the attention of those interested, to apply to us not later than January 31st, 2009. The application forms are available at 

Belgium Scholarship Various Programs

Every year, with the support of the Belgian Directorate-General for Development Cooperation (DGDC), VLIR-UOS awards scholarships to students from developing countries to study one of the 15 International Course Programmes (ICPs) or one of the 6 International Training Programmes (ITPs). The ICPs and ITPs target people from the South with a responsible position in civil society (at a university, school, NGO, ministry, etc).
Each year there are a maximum of 180 scholarships available for first-year ICP students and a maximum of 70 scholarships for ITP participants.

Annual Cambridge University Scholarships

New Hall has generous funding available for graduates, especially in relation to the size of its graduate population. Gifts by BP enable us to offer support to a number of overseas candidates each year. The Körner studentship and the college’s own Overseas Bursaries provide further funding opportunities. For UK and EU students, we can fully support up to 2 PhD students through the University’s Domestic Research Studentship Schemes.
If you have selected New Hall as your College of first choice on your graduate application form and would like to apply for one of our BP Centenary Awards, a Stephan Körner Graduate Scholarship or an Overseas Bursary, please complete our online application form.

UK University of Exeter Business School MBA Scholarship

This year the Business School is offering twelve £5,000 scholarships for entry on the Full-Time MBA programme in September 2009. The awards are made on the basis of working experience. Applications may be received up to 31 August 2009.
The Exeter MBA
The MBA programme at the University of Exeter has produced over 500 graduates since 1997. Like the larger Business Schools, Exeter offers high-quality, accredited MBA programmes delivered by faculty with world-class reputations. Unlike the larger Business Schools, we offer this on a campus built on a human scale with a lifestyle ideally suited to learning and personal development.

BPPS Postgraduate Scholarship for Lecturers PNS

BPPS Postgraduate Scholarship for Lecturers PNS

Post-Graduate Scholarship Assistance Program (BPPS) Directorate General of Higher Education (Higher Education) or known by the scholarship BPPS intended for lecturers or teachers with the status of Civil Servants (PNS) for graduate programs.

BPPS Directorate General of Higher Education is only given to professors who follow postgraduate education, both master (S2) and doctoral (S3), on a course which was held on a regular basis and has obtained accreditation in the academic track by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) .

Executive MBA Programme Scholarship for Women

The Executive MBA programme office is delighted to offer scholarship support for the September 2009 (SEMBA2011) for the female participant who has best demonstrated leadership potential and commitment to support the ongoing success of the Executive MBA programme. This substantial scholarship of up to £23,850 (the final award to be determined at the review stage) will be deducted from the balance of the first year tuition fees for the programme.

Double Degree Scholarships

Double Degree Scholarships

France offers higher education cooperation in the field of tourism and hospitality through the "double degree" to universities in Indonesia.

Indonesian and French have equality in the field of hospitality and tourism so that opportunities for cooperation may be possible to improve the quality of human resources, especially those with qualifications in managerial areas.

French Embassy along with CampusFrance involving French universities that have majors exploring the potential of tourism to Indonesia in the field of tourism and hospitality as well as realizing a profitable collaboration for both sides.

French Embassy in Indonesia will carry out more intensive meetings with college and high school of tourism in Jakarta, Bali and Bandung.

The study ditawarakan cooperation to implement 'double degree' to the field of tourism and hospitality management, marketing, and utilization of historical heritage, the management of luxury goods industries and green tourism and sustainable tourism

The government only acts as a facilitator for granting permission if the partnership has continued because it's relatively long-running licensing matters.


Starting in 2010, the Ministry of National Education provides opportunities for 20 thousand graduates SMA / SMK / MA / MAK / Package C in 2010 achievers from economically disadvantaged families and have the academic ability to pursue higher education through scholarship program Shutter Mission

There are 83 colleges Affairs Ministry of National Education and Higher Education 22 Ministry of Religious Affairs who would be implementing Scholarship Program Shutter MISSION 2010. Quota scholarship is based on the number of new students accepted each year and / or the total number of students in universities.

Wednesday (16/12) at Masson Pine Hotel, Bandung is the signing of the MoU between the Director General of Higher Education, the heads of state college scholarship program implementers Shutter Mission witnessed by Minister of National Education Republic of Indonesia.

"Thank God, we can give an answer to the many problems of education in Indonesia. This is part of the commitment and social responsibility higher education ", said Mr. Minister, Prof. Dr. Ir. Moh. Nuh, DEA in his briefing.

According to the father of this minister is one hundred-day program of the National Education Ministry is completed before the time (last January 31). "This is more proof that we are intelligent people. Different people are not smart and intelligent is determined by the speed in solving problems. If smart people are usually quickly done. And I give the value cum laude, added Mr. Minister.

"The first objective is to give hope to the nation's children with good academic skills but come from economically disadvantaged families, never stop dreaming that there are countries who set up a scholarship, at least to public universities" said the father of Director General of Higher Education, Prof. Dr. Fasli Jalal, Ph.D.

With this scholarship, according to the percentage of 20 poor father of Director General bottom that currently only about 3.3 percent of accessing higher education can be improved. Inequality richest 20 percent to 20 poor children that currently gapnya bottom 10 percent in access to higher education can continue to be reduced. Even according to their DG could be an actor that would cut the chain of poverty. They will lift themselves and their family economy.


The requirements necessary to obtain a scholarship Shutter Mission 2010:

1. Students SMA / SMK / MA / MAK / C package which is scheduled to pass on know 2010

2. Derived from economically poor families

3. Having academic achievement / curricular, co-curricular and extra curricular.

4. Can choose an education program Diploma III, IV and scholars S1

5. Each candidate can choose a maximum of two courses, either in a university or at two different universities.

This scholarship is awarded since the student otherwise acceptable and initiate academic activities in universities, to finish the semester 8 (for diploma programs IV and S1) and semester 6 (for the Diploma Program III) with the provisions of a student scholarship recipient is active.

BPPS scholarship


a. Legal Basis

Higher Education is an important sector in the effort to strengthen the competitiveness of nations. Higher Education represents higher education as mandated in Law No. 20 of 2003 neighbor of the National Education System (Law on National Education System), which is producing graduates who are noble, honest, qualified, democratic and able to face challenges and competition between nations. The same is stated in the Higher Education Long Term Strategy (HELTS) 2003-2010, that universities should produce graduates who have the responsibility and be able to contribute to the nation's competitiveness.

Lecturer is an important component in college. Increasing the quality of lecturers will directly improve the quality of higher education. Act No. 14 of 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers, especially on market 46 paragraph 2 which states that the lecturers are required to have certain academic qualifications, namely: (a) graduate master program for undergraduate and diploma programs, and (b). graduates of doctoral programs for the graduate program. Therefore, efforts to increase academic qualification faculty can be done through the provision of Postgraduate Scholarship (BPPS). To achieve these qualifications within a limited time, then the program should be expanded and accelerated BPPS.

b. Legal Overview

Higher Education (PT) is the organizer of higher education that have an important role in the nation's competitiveness. Lecturers as one component of Human Resources (HR) from a college has a central and strategic role. The quality of lecturers will determine the quality of higher education. Quality of PT to determine the quality of higher education, which in turn affects the ability of the nation's competitiveness. Increasing the quality of higher education is expected to increase the competitiveness of nations.

As an educational institution, the college has a big role in improving the development of Human Resources (HR) and increased strain the nation. Improving the quality of human resources, in this case is a lecturer, the university is a strategic effort to improve the quality of higher education. In order for the strategic role of universities is going well should be supported by lecturers with superior quality. To obtain superior quality faculty, planning of targeted and need to be prepared properly cooked. One of improving the quality of lecturers is through continued to pursue postgraduate studies (S2/S3).

Directorate workforce Directorate General of Higher Education has a responsibility in improving teacher quality through advanced education to the level of S2/S3 as mandated in Act 14 of 2005. Therefore, the Graduate Scholarship Program-Directorate General of Higher Ditnaga very helpful to improve the quality of higher education so as to improve the competitiveness of nations.

c. Reason Activities implemented

Until 2007 there were 155,466 teachers scattered in 89 public universities (63,500 people) and about 2850 private universities (91,966 people) throughout Indonesia. In universities, lecturers are qualified master (S2) and / or doctoral (S3) has reached 68%. While the new private universities reached 47%. Overall the number of lecturers who have a masters qualification (S2) and / or doctoral (S3) is about 52 percent, equivalent to 81,291 people. Meanwhile, the target in the Strategic plan of the Directorate General of Higher Education in 2009 had reached the figure of 70% of lecturers-educators already qualified S2/S3. At the end of 2008, faculty who have not berkulalifikasi S2/S3 is 58,934 people. To achieve the target of 70% is necessary to pursue various new innovations from the efforts that have been done.

Government through the Directorate General of Higher Education continues to encourage and improve the quality of teacher education and postgraduate qualifications through a variety of ways, including through (1) granting scholarships to lecturers of Public and Private Higher Education that meets the requirements for continuing education at postgraduate level, (2) accelerating the achievement of target number of graduate educated faculty through a variety of innovative organizing BPPS.


We offer a scholarship program includes courses Diploma, Bachelor, Master, and Doctor both at home and abroad. Financing pattern of this scholarship using the pattern of sharing between the central government, provincial, district / municipal, and industrial communities as mandated by the Law on National Education System No. 20 of 2003 (article 46 paragraph 1).

 Competitive Scholarship began in 2009 provides ample opportunity for women at least 30% of all scholarship recipients, in accordance with Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System (Article 26 Paragraph 3).
