a. Legal Basis
Higher Education is an important sector in the effort to strengthen the competitiveness of nations. Higher Education represents higher education as mandated in Law No. 20 of 2003 neighbor of the National Education System (Law on National Education System), which is producing graduates who are noble, honest, qualified, democratic and able to face challenges and competition between nations. The same is stated in the Higher Education Long Term Strategy (HELTS) 2003-2010, that universities should produce graduates who have the responsibility and be able to contribute to the nation's competitiveness.
Lecturer is an important component in college. Increasing the quality of lecturers will directly improve the quality of higher education. Act No. 14 of 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers, especially on market 46 paragraph 2 which states that the lecturers are required to have certain academic qualifications, namely: (a) graduate master program for undergraduate and diploma programs, and (b). graduates of doctoral programs for the graduate program. Therefore, efforts to increase academic qualification faculty can be done through the provision of Postgraduate Scholarship (BPPS). To achieve these qualifications within a limited time, then the program should be expanded and accelerated BPPS.
b. Legal Overview
Higher Education (PT) is the organizer of higher education that have an important role in the nation's competitiveness. Lecturers as one component of Human Resources (HR) from a college has a central and strategic role. The quality of lecturers will determine the quality of higher education. Quality of PT to determine the quality of higher education, which in turn affects the ability of the nation's competitiveness. Increasing the quality of higher education is expected to increase the competitiveness of nations.
As an educational institution, the college has a big role in improving the development of Human Resources (HR) and increased strain the nation. Improving the quality of human resources, in this case is a lecturer, the university is a strategic effort to improve the quality of higher education. In order for the strategic role of universities is going well should be supported by lecturers with superior quality. To obtain superior quality faculty, planning of targeted and need to be prepared properly cooked. One of improving the quality of lecturers is through continued to pursue postgraduate studies (S2/S3).
Directorate workforce Directorate General of Higher Education has a responsibility in improving teacher quality through advanced education to the level of S2/S3 as mandated in Act 14 of 2005. Therefore, the Graduate Scholarship Program-Directorate General of Higher Ditnaga very helpful to improve the quality of higher education so as to improve the competitiveness of nations.
c. Reason Activities implemented
Until 2007 there were 155,466 teachers scattered in 89 public universities (63,500 people) and about 2850 private universities (91,966 people) throughout Indonesia. In universities, lecturers are qualified master (S2) and / or doctoral (S3) has reached 68%. While the new private universities reached 47%. Overall the number of lecturers who have a masters qualification (S2) and / or doctoral (S3) is about 52 percent, equivalent to 81,291 people. Meanwhile, the target in the Strategic plan of the Directorate General of Higher Education in 2009 had reached the figure of 70% of lecturers-educators already qualified S2/S3. At the end of 2008, faculty who have not berkulalifikasi S2/S3 is 58,934 people. To achieve the target of 70% is necessary to pursue various new innovations from the efforts that have been done.
Government through the Directorate General of Higher Education continues to encourage and improve the quality of teacher education and postgraduate qualifications through a variety of ways, including through (1) granting scholarships to lecturers of Public and Private Higher Education that meets the requirements for continuing education at postgraduate level, (2) accelerating the achievement of target number of graduate educated faculty through a variety of innovative organizing BPPS.
a. Legal Basis
Higher Education is an important sector in the effort to strengthen the competitiveness of nations. Higher Education represents higher education as mandated in Law No. 20 of 2003 neighbor of the National Education System (Law on National Education System), which is producing graduates who are noble, honest, qualified, democratic and able to face challenges and competition between nations. The same is stated in the Higher Education Long Term Strategy (HELTS) 2003-2010, that universities should produce graduates who have the responsibility and be able to contribute to the nation's competitiveness.
Lecturer is an important component in college. Increasing the quality of lecturers will directly improve the quality of higher education. Act No. 14 of 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers, especially on market 46 paragraph 2 which states that the lecturers are required to have certain academic qualifications, namely: (a) graduate master program for undergraduate and diploma programs, and (b). graduates of doctoral programs for the graduate program. Therefore, efforts to increase academic qualification faculty can be done through the provision of Postgraduate Scholarship (BPPS). To achieve these qualifications within a limited time, then the program should be expanded and accelerated BPPS.
b. Legal Overview
Higher Education (PT) is the organizer of higher education that have an important role in the nation's competitiveness. Lecturers as one component of Human Resources (HR) from a college has a central and strategic role. The quality of lecturers will determine the quality of higher education. Quality of PT to determine the quality of higher education, which in turn affects the ability of the nation's competitiveness. Increasing the quality of higher education is expected to increase the competitiveness of nations.
As an educational institution, the college has a big role in improving the development of Human Resources (HR) and increased strain the nation. Improving the quality of human resources, in this case is a lecturer, the university is a strategic effort to improve the quality of higher education. In order for the strategic role of universities is going well should be supported by lecturers with superior quality. To obtain superior quality faculty, planning of targeted and need to be prepared properly cooked. One of improving the quality of lecturers is through continued to pursue postgraduate studies (S2/S3).
Directorate workforce Directorate General of Higher Education has a responsibility in improving teacher quality through advanced education to the level of S2/S3 as mandated in Act 14 of 2005. Therefore, the Graduate Scholarship Program-Directorate General of Higher Ditnaga very helpful to improve the quality of higher education so as to improve the competitiveness of nations.
c. Reason Activities implemented
Until 2007 there were 155,466 teachers scattered in 89 public universities (63,500 people) and about 2850 private universities (91,966 people) throughout Indonesia. In universities, lecturers are qualified master (S2) and / or doctoral (S3) has reached 68%. While the new private universities reached 47%. Overall the number of lecturers who have a masters qualification (S2) and / or doctoral (S3) is about 52 percent, equivalent to 81,291 people. Meanwhile, the target in the Strategic plan of the Directorate General of Higher Education in 2009 had reached the figure of 70% of lecturers-educators already qualified S2/S3. At the end of 2008, faculty who have not berkulalifikasi S2/S3 is 58,934 people. To achieve the target of 70% is necessary to pursue various new innovations from the efforts that have been done.
Government through the Directorate General of Higher Education continues to encourage and improve the quality of teacher education and postgraduate qualifications through a variety of ways, including through (1) granting scholarships to lecturers of Public and Private Higher Education that meets the requirements for continuing education at postgraduate level, (2) accelerating the achievement of target number of graduate educated faculty through a variety of innovative organizing BPPS.
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